Welcome to the beginning of something truly beautiful. Holistic Hero is rooted in the premise of creating a somewhat base for all my passions in one. One of my passions has always been to give back in any way I can. I feel it’s my purpose as long as I shall be on this Earth. Creating a platform for myself through “Thesmileylymie” (my former website) set the foundation to create new outlets and paths.
Charity & philanthropic/humanitarian work has been one of the greatest joys in my life, since I was a young child. Through incredible connections & friendships, inspiration, plus hard work and dedication I founded a new endeavor that I hope blossoms into my intentions. Since the onset of the pandemic, my urge to give back in whatever way I could became a prominent focus. I found myself consumed in those “good news” Instagram posts and videos and obsessed with finding stories of people in need so that I could use my platforms to help them. Something was still bothering me; this urge to do something greater that would span a greater spectrum. I originally created Project Sunflowers as a side project on Instagram where I highlighted and attempted to set a goal of sharing stories of inspiration from around the world, raise awareness of global issues that need attention & spread love, hope & kindness while providing aide to animals and humans in need. Each week I do my best to feature remarkable stories to enlighten, inspire and humble. I myself have known what it’s like to struggle financially & in so many ways in life, as well as experience the complete opposite. I’ve personally been exposed and lived through both extremes in life from desperation to comfortability and the “finer things” life offers. Also having a chronic illness (Chronic Lyme Disease) has shaped my focuses and steered me towards understanding another aspect of life. The GOAL is to eventually turn Project sunflowers into a Non-Profit one day once it grows. I thank everyone who has encouraged me to take on this new venture. One of my main focuses will be providing aide, resources, awareness and hope to the underprivileged and chronically ill, aiding children in custodial turmoil, creating a platform that directs to various fundraisers, and continuing a message of hope, humbleness, positivity, and love in a world that is so lacking.

Those who have encouraged the growth of Project Sunflowers know the origin and meaning behind why I use a sunflower in specific to kind of “mascot” the project. For me personally, it’s purposefully symbolic and a tribute to someone who has been a humanitarian light not only in the life of much of the world, but my own personally, Michael Jackson.
Michael happened to be a family friend through two of my cousins who were well known glass sculptors near Neverland. After a commission in 89, a years long friendship was sparked and I was personally blessed to have many fond personal memories of the true man Michael was. He was so good to my family and I. Honoring him, spreading his truth, and carrying on his legacy means the world to me. So much continues to come into my life because of him and personally witnessing how true his heart was still inspires me. I will love and respect him forever. In honor of his incredible philanthropic work and efforts to literally “Heal The World” it personally felt symbolic to use a sunflower (his favorite flower) to mascot the project. Sunflowers are also known as the “happy flower” & represent peace, joy and loyalty.

I originally began by creating highlights on IG of specific people/children I had connected with, to highlight their stories and aide their cause through awareness/financial donations. In symbolism, these people, these children, these animals & these incredible stories ARE the sunflowers. They are the happiness, heroes, and light that bring happiness, hope, love and peace into the world. One of the first physical sunflowers I recently laid in honor of a young man with EB, Nicky Zahorcak, whose story I had grown to know will forever be in my heart. This has been a tradition i’ve had since I was a young child. To lay a flower in a beautiful spot in nature in honor of whoever had passed or whoever I wanted to share with the world; this even came down to stories I would hear on the news as a child. It deeply affected me and there’s truly no greater feeling in the world than to honor, aide or spread love/hope to those who need it most. This tradition will become an ongoing part of Project Sunflowers 🙂 I quickly want to share a few of the foundations that personally mean a lot to me before you can learn how to connect with me, have your story/cause shared on Project Sunflowers, or connect in terms of fundraiser partnership!

Until Project Sunflowers will own it’s own website that directs to all the organizations, stories and causes I want to highlight, i’d like to share a few here. There are a WIDE variety of charities, foundations/organizations that have personally touched me/mean a lot to me. I have shared many of those on my personal IG (@thesmileylymie) and over on the projects’ page. I continue to host fundraisers for particular organizations that I urgently want to help aide. From St.Jude’s, EB Research Partnership, Heal Los Angeles Foundation, Borderlands Produce Rescue, ASPCA, and very specific GoFundMe causes directed towards individuals and families from around the world, they all personally impact me.

I recently had the pleasure and honor of attending the Thriller Night 21 party at Michael Jacksons’ Hayvenhurst house to which I surprisingly connected with old friends & made likeminded new ones. This party was a fundraiser for a foundation I have been donating to, sharing and creating fundraiser giveaways for, for some time. In short, the foundation is aimed at creating opportunities, resources, memories and critical aide to the underprivileged communities in Los Angeles, with a focus on youth. Having grown up in southern California, I have witnessed the lives of those bearing the strife of this kind of life having had friends in those communities. The foundation was founded by John Muto & Prince Jackson, and i’m so proud of the humanitarian efforts and work they continue to accomplish. In all honesty their work gives me hope in humanity again. They are working on building a website, but until then you can visit their Instagram @heallosangelesfdn or click here https://www.instagram.com/heallosangelesfdn/ Watch out on my page because I frequently hold fundraisers (and giveaways) that go directly to the foundation!
I have also been passionate about EB Research Partnership after having connected with Marky & Melissa Jaquez & Nicky & Silvia Corradin (RIP Nicky). Marky and Nicky have Epidermolysis Bullosa, a rare genetic life-threatening disease, also known as “the worst disease you’ve never heard of”. I was extremely compelled to learn as much as I could about this disease which currently, has no cure. It’s pain level has been rated worse than bone cancer, and each child that lives each second in excruciating pain serves as a personal hero of mine. EB individuals lack protein collagen 7 which basically binds your skin together. It’s a rather simple, yet complex disease to understand. To learn more, please visit https://www.ebresearch.org/what-is-eb.html Marky and Nicky are my heroes; their incredible faith, perseverance, humble loving and kind personality and nature amaze me beyond words. Project Sunflowers has already successfully raised almost $2,000 towards EB Research Project in an effort to raise awareness, find a cure, and provide resources to children and young adults living with this disease. I have worked with/supported other charities/organizations such as Borderlands Produce Rescue, which provides excess fresh produce which would originally be thrown out from supermarkets and restaurants to underprivileged communities & St.Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, ASPCA and many more.

Of course Project Sunflowers will always be considered a “project” in my eyes. In the meantime, I’m so excited to see where this new journey takes the world. In just a short period of time, project sunflowers has already raised close to $10,000 for various causes & charities, I have personally connected with many amazing philanthropists, like-minded people, individuals with incredible heroic stories & contributed towards raising awareness world-wide! I personally want to thank each and every single one of you who has inspired, encouraged and supported me down this new endeavor and continues to be a part of the Project Sunflowers team. Remember to look at your neighbors for what they are. A human just like you with a beating heart, trying to get through this thing called life. Be kind, lend a hand, spread love, we’re all in this together 🙂 You can contact me via email, DM me on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/projectsunflowers/, hit that “let’s talk” tab or feel free to inquire about a cause, a fundraiser, story or organization that needs critical/immediate aide. Thank you!