Meet Sascha
Sascha, a.k.a “thesmileylymie” is the founder, recipe creator, photographer, and overall brains behind The Holistic Hero. Once an overnight idea (like most of her ideas), set out to become much more. Now, a place where like-minded humans and wandering souls can come to be enlightened. So with open arms, welcome! A Cali girl at heart, Sascha was born and raised in Southern California, with some serious New York roots and Hollywood secrets to carry with her. She now resides part-time in Scottsdale, Arizona with her two Siamese cats and a kitchen full of avocados, though yearns to live full-time again in southern California, home in her heart. Sascha is a dedicated writer/poet, music enthusiast, author to be, occasional modeling junkie, and podcast host. On Sascha’s free time, she enjoys adventuring, life convos with her closest friends, charity/community work, spoiling her cats, graphic design, Tim Burton anything, Michael Jackson on vinyl, travel and lots of vegan pie. Sascha is committed to helping others detox and thrive in most ways possible through what she has learned. Here’s to the future! “I believe the soul is the root of how we survive individually and execute uniquely. Through our own lessons, we may inspire others and make real change in the world, turning strife into positive beauty.” – Sascha XO
Sascha’s Story
I believe every beginning is rooted in something special, especially when it comes from the heart. Sometimes it takes great strife, and painful life lessons to shape us and direct us towards paths we never dreamed possible. My story is rooted so much deeper than the side of me you’ll meet here. But THIS is one of my passions and a place I’ve created to share with you all.
An incredibly complex, damaging and dysfunctional childhood, I am a survivor through and through. My story is difficult to believe, and I’m in the process of writing/publishing the truth. In simple words, multiple unnecessary custody battles at the hands of abusive “family”, 32 moves in two years and counting, weekly visitation experiencing the unspeakable, disease, comfortability to poverty overnight and back again, intense isolation, survival, sadness, horrific life lessons and repeat. But through all the in between logistics I won’t discuss here, the outcome with God is a strong, capable, warrior with passions and a goal to inspire others and help make the world a better place even in the simplest of ways from all I’ve learned. I’m honored to turn those fires into fireworks.
I was misdiagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease for over 12 years since the age of 6, now as a grown woman (I’m older than I appear 🙂 I’ve been living my life according to the demands of this disease, as naturally as possible. My journey to stable health has been tedious and frustrating yet enlightening as I’ve learned more about food, life, my genetic structure, my own mind and my capabilities in ways I cannot comprehend. A part of my health journey meant some serious diet modifications, strict specific supplementation, a new lifestyle regime and more attention to my mental health; for over 15 years now I have made this a priority in my life and I’m constantly learning. This where my journey to understanding the mind and body, placing importance on what foods I consume and redirecting my lifestyle began. Thus, the birth of The Holistic Hero!
Holistic Hero Kitchen / About
All recipes are original, Gluten-Free, Egg-Free, Vegetarian, GMO-Free, and many are Sugar/Soy/Nut free, Vegan, Paleo, Low Glycemic, Ketogenic, and Plant-Based. Some recipes even include the integration of therapeutic-grade Essential Oils (Sascha is a Young Living distributor). You’ll find many 5-ingredient, easy-to-make recipes and desserts, a crapload of avocados and oftentimes I name the recipes after the things I love, superheroes, fictional characters and even music! I also wanted to turn “HH” into a place where we can talk about “real life” through my poetry series The Smiling Skeleton, learn my holistic lifestyle tips/tricks including badass skincare, travel hacks, natural pet-health, and even home-care while we grab that homemade avocado toast like the Wonder Women/ Supermen we are!
Don’t be shy folks, I think we’ve passed that awkward stage! You can find me in my element all over the damn place on different platforms, but you must know I’m an Instagram freak, so you’re most likely to catch me there! You can also catch me on my podcast “Parts Of Me Holistically” on all platforms too, see you there!
My main social, where it all started Visit TheSmileyLymie
My collaborative project where I participate in a series of real, raw and open conversations regarding Lyme, Womanhood, Abuse and General Life with my “Lyme
Sister” Ashley Visit Lyme Sisters


This is the part where you learn a little bit more about your fumbling host, featuring this gal. Join me on this journey where I dive into chronic illness, foodie life, womanhood, self-care and improvement and just general life in an unfiltered, raw & safe environment. All this jazz with guest speakers, good jams and wisdom from my mind to yours through years of strife as I unravel my real story and expose “The Half Of It”. I also have a fun occasional series known as “My Life In Music” where I play tunes relating to my life stories, its a great time! “Parts of Me Holistically” was born similarly to “HH”, an overnight idea popped into my head. Well, sort of. I’ve been dreaming about hosting a podcast for some years now and once I figured out how to execute that dream, I hopped on the bandwagon and off to the races! The name pretty much sums it up. To Learn more about the podcast, smack the lifestyle/podcast tab on the menu bar. Can’t wait to see you there!