I have many friends and loved ones who have suffered and lost their battle with various types of Cancer. I am also heavily involved in childhood cancer awareness. Many of my friends were on specific juicing protocols into order to boost their immune system and keep on top of their antioxidant levels. “Recent research has shown that pomegranate extracts selectively inhibit the growth of breast, prostate, colon and lung cancer cells in culture. In preclinical animal studies, oral consumption of pomegranate extract inhibited growth of lung, skin, colon and prostate tumors.”
“Red beetroot is a vegetable rich in carbohydrates, fat, micro-nutrients, and constituents with bioactive properties. The bioactive constituents include betaine, polyphenols, carotenoids, flavonoids, saponins, and the water-soluble pigments the betalains.” I use turmeric as a major anti-inflammatory in many of my recipes and especially when juicing. Adding fresh cilantro and lemon juice help to alkalinize the body further, and I use carrots for their carotenoid-rich properties.
I know this recipe has been a go-to for many cancer patients and friends and I have further modified it, not to mention its delicious and refreshing. Let me know what ya think friends! Happy Healing!
(Disclaimer: This recipe does not claim to cure cancer or cancer related physical properties, it serves as an immune booster without guarantee)
Cancer's Kryptonite

- 1 Red Beet (including greens)
- 1 Large Carrot
- 1 Cup Fresh Cilantro
- 1 Green Apple
- 1/2 Lemon (peeled)
- 1 Tsp Turmeric or half Turmeric Root
- Splash of Pomegranate Juice (optional)
- Wash, slice, chop and de-stem all ingredients
- Place each ingredient into a high-processed (cold-pressed of possible) juicer
- Pour into glass and enjoy or serve chilled