Chronic Illness
Quick story time! So you may have heard, or already know. I am a SURVIVOR and WARRIOR, having lived within CHRONIC Lyme Disease for nearly 14 years having been misdiagnosed for over 12 years. God turned the tragedy of a car accident to lead me to answers years since my onset symptoms when I was hospitalized and diagnosed with a mental illness and administrated with serious medication. As I have always taken the alternative, natural route according to my high sensitivities, I once again took the path less traveled, and while there is no cure for Lyme, I managed to keep my symptoms down and stay in remission through homeopathy, natural treatments, and a holistic lifestyle through diet, proper supplementation and guidance.
Quick disclosure, any and all of what I discuss has helped me personally, this is not to say my methods will do the same for others. Lyme Disease is a rapidly growing pandemic also known as the "invisible mask" of diseases as many look differently on the outside than they feel physically on the inside. I've had the pleasure of connecting with fellow Lyme warriors these past 5 years and presenting people with all different types of chronic illness to share their stories with the world through a previous blog of mine smileylymie.com through a segment I called "Spoonie Spotlight" in which you would send in your story or something you'd like to share. It turned into a total hit! I wanted to up the game though, and really dive deep into Lyme talk, chronic illness realities and my personal mental and physical methods. Please understand I'm not a medical professional, just a woman with personal insight into life with a chronic illness, striving to help others through her own pain and difficulties.
I've made it my mission to take the reigns back of this brutal "mask" of suffering and regain control of my life and body slowly and as naturally as possible. I've learned the true depths of my strength through the hell in this evil, and cherish the family and fellow warriors who have chosen to stand by me, sadly understanding this pain too well. People don't see the judgement, the pain, the reality. The judgement derived out of others' desire to maintain their ignorance. Through history I've always had a big-ass smile on my face and a good sense of humor despite it all, and thus I have chosen to be "The Smiley Lymie". If you are struggling emotionally or need help or guidance through physical pain associated with Lyme Disease or chronic illness, never hesitate to reach out to me. Remember, this is not who we are, but something we have, this does not define us as a whole.