Since I was a little girl and modified my diet at the age of 7 after contracting chronic Lyme Disease, my mother made it her mission to create recipes similar to food I was used to, without compromising on taste and texture. If you’re gluten-free and or vegan you’ll know how hard it can be to “mock” certain gluten-filled foods like breads, pizza, and even pancakes. Banana Bread & pancakes have been a long-time favorite of mine, and I was determined to keep it in my life!

Trial after trial, alternative flour after the next, we created the perfect loaf! I mean we went from walnut flour, coconut flour, even using green plantain flour! Nothing really seemed to work well and it’s really about finding the right ratios and balance of certain ingredients. Hence, this magnificent loaf was born! As I grew older I perfected the recipe in my own way to my own standards, but still give credit to my incredible cook of a mother. Thanks Momma 🙂

Wanna know a secret little story connected to this incredible bread? Probably not, but here goes anyway. On a trip to Sedona, Arizona way back when I was like a pre-teen, we visited this incredible little vegan cafe. I believe it was called “ChocolaTree”. It really was a magical place and I believe its still there! It’s set in the mountains of Sedona, with little waterfalls and hammock seating outside, really earthly and peaceful. Anyways, the cafe is the best part, I mean the FOOD from vegan chocolate truffles, to homemade golden-milk drinks and gluten-free avocado herb pancakes. They even have a little store to buy all your herbs, oils and essences. I was in HEAVEN, literal heaven. One of the dishes on their breakfast menu was this KILLER Banana Bread!

Yes, you guessed it. My recipe was inspired partially off their banana bread. It was incredible, hearty and a but nutty, probably because theirs had walnuts on the inside of the bread which I HIGHLY recommend. I used to take the leftovers or just buy another loaf to take home with me and pair it with warmed coconut oil for dipping, sprinkled walnuts or chocolate chips, or even lather in almond butta!
Typically, this recipe calls for a more concise way of making the dough when using walnuts, however, if you’d like to use them, just add them in the wet dough. Mixing together all dry ingredients and then combining with the wet ingredients, place in the oven for 45 minutes at 350 degrees until golden brown and gooey!

I know its tempting, but wait until the loaf is thoroughly cooled in order to prevent breakage. It’s worth it! Sprinkle with almond flour, chocolate chips, walnuts, or dip in melted coconut oil or almond butter and enjoy!
Hearty Vegan Gluten-Free Banana Bread

Its quick, easy, hearty, gluten-free and vegan. It's not just another GF Banana Bread recipe. This is one for the old recipe book in the cabinet waiting to be filled up!
- 2 Ripe Bananas (Mashed) equivalent to one cup worth
- 1/4 Cup Cassava Flour
- 1 Cup + 1/4 Cup Almond Flour
- 1/2 Cup Almond Milk (or non-dairy milk of choice)
- 1/3 Cup Coconut Sugar (or 1/2 for extra sweetness)
- 1/4 Cup Melted Coconut Oil
- 1/4 Cup Chopped Walnuts (optional)
- 1/2 Tsp Baking Powder
- 1/2 Tsp Baking Soda
- 1/4 Tsp Sea Salt
- 1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
- 1. Preheat Oven to 350 degrees and grease a standard sized loaf pan with coconut oil
- 2. Add all dry ingredients into a bowl including coconut sugar, all flours, spices and and baking soda/powder
- 3. Mash bananas and add all wet ingredients into a bowl including almond milk and coconut oil. Whisk until smooth
- 4. Combine the dry and wet ingredients into one bowl, thoroughly mashing the bananas in until the dough is consistent and moist. Avoid lumps of flour or dough
- 5. Once oven is warm, transfer the dough into the loaf pan and place in over for approx 45 minutes
- 6. The loaf should be a dark or light golden brown, firm yet moist in the center. Remove loaf from pan once its compltetly cooled to prevent breakage
- 7. Serve and enjoy with chocolate chips, almond butter or melted coconut oil for dipping and BOOM you've got a classic recipe for life!