As I have been “self-healing” for years now, with the help and guidance of my naturopathic/integrative team of amazing doctors, I have found what works best for my body, after years of research, testing, getting sick/feeling well, and “experimentation”. That’s why I’m here, to share the knowledge I’ve acquired and possibly help guide, and support you, while opening up your mind to new ideas and concepts. Here we go!

Above, is just a small example of what I take, in one day. Okay, try to take in one day, lol. I don’t just do this with the intent to drive myself nuts, but to boost my immune system and open up critical detoxification pathways. Friends, I cannot put enough emphasis on the importance of detoxification, but we’ll get to that later!
Not to overwhelm you, but simply help you explore, move that mouse over, and click on the titles of each supplement below, which will direct you to the brand of the exact supplement I take. Of course, I could go on and on really diving deep on how critical each of these supplements are, but we don’t have all day now do we? Happy Hunting!
EXTRA JUST IN CASE DISCLOSURE: These supplements and the dosage may not work for every “BODY”, please consult with you doctor/practitioner before supplementation/ self supplementation

So “Bone Maximizer” was recommended to me as a one-punch source of Vitamins K 1 & 2, MCHC Protein, Vitamin C & D, Zinc, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Calcium, MCHA and Boron which are all essential for bone health and function. It’s a high potency formula which provides critical bone proteins and minerals in an organic, bioavailable form. This particular pill is from the company MRM Nutrition, and it’s the “Bone Maximizer III”. Keep in min, it’s equally as important to make sure all vitamins are gluten-free and yeast-free if possible to avoid extra absorption issues.

Vitex (chasteberry) is the most popular herbal remedy for premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It does not supply hormones but acts directly on the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. Vitex increases luteinizing hormone (LH) and modulates prolactin, resulting in a balance of estrogen and progesterone levels. Vitex (chasteberry) is also the most popular herbal remedy for premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It does not supply hormones but acts directly on the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. Vitex increases luteinizing hormone (LH) and modulates prolactin, resulting in a balance of estrogen and progesterone levels. Ladies, I don’t know where I’d be without Vitex (wink, wink).

If you haven’t already heard of astragalus, please do yourself a favor, and make sure you know, as it is one of the most powerful immune-building plants on the planet! Astragalus is a plant within the Leguminosae (beans or legumes) family, with a very long history as an immune-system booster, and disease fighter! Its roots are in Traditional Chinese Medicine, in which it’s been used as an adaptogen for thousands of years — meaning it helps the body fight off stress and disease. Today, astragalus medicinal healing and treatment uses span many different illnesses and diseases. Because of the tremendous success of so many research studies and trials, new information about astragalus is coming to light all the time. In general, its greatest strength is preventing and protecting cells against cell death and other harmful elements, such as free radicals an oxidation. Just a few of it’s many benefits include boosting the immune system, acting as an anti-inflammatory, preventing the growth of tumors, protecting the cardiovascular system, regulating diabetes, anti-aging, healing scaring, treating colds and flus, and aiding in chronic asthma!

For those of you who are anemic (A lack of red blood cells is called iron deficiency anemia), such as myself, iron is simply essential! Iron is an important component of hemoglobin, the substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to transport it throughout your body…. If you don’t have enough iron, your body can’t make enough healthy oxygen-carrying red blood cells. I choose to source mine from “Solgar” and use the “gentle” non-constipating form. This tends to be a better option for those with sensitive stomachs, as it’s easier to digest.

What is the difference between ester C and basic Vitamin C you ask?! Ester C is a pH neutral product which has a different composition from regular vitamin C, which is ascorbic acid. The main component of this product is calcium ascorbate. Other ingredients of Ester C are compounds known as vitamin C metabolites, which are dehydroascorbic acid and calcium threonate.Ascorbic acid also stimulates production of white blood cells, including killer-T cells, which are the attacking element of the immune system. Supplemental vitamin C, such as Ester–C or More Than C, also increases antibody levels in the serum.

Selenium was one of the first go-to’s my doctor recommended for my thyroid/hashimotos disease. “Selenium is a crucial nutrient for everyone’s health. It’s essential to thyroid hormone metabolism, reproduction, DNA synthesis, and it protects you from infection and damage resulting from oxidative stress. Selenium is a mineral that’s naturally found in some of the foods we eat. Selenium may also reduce levels of antibodies against thyroid peroxidase — an enzyme that plays an important role in the production of thyroid hormones — in people with hypothyroidism, according to a study published in 2018 in the journal Diagnostics.” I have personally been using selenium off an on for years, as directed by my primary. I source mine from “BlueBonnet”.

Fellow Lymies, please hear me. GABA was one of the side-effect free supplements which helped get me through the neurological part of Lyme Disease when I was really young, as the lyme bacteria took a direct hit and toll on my nervous system. Gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. Its principal role is reducing neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system. GABA is taken by mouth for relieving anxiety, improving mood, reducing symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), treating attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), aiding in sleep and calming the nervous system. I hope this can be of any help to those of you out there suffering with the neurological aspect of Lyme or any disease, as I know how difficult/debilitating it can be, not just physically, but mentally.

To be honest, I don’t use NAC everyday. I really use in on occasion, as needed for lung support when I’m sick, or extra immune support. “N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a supplement form of cysteine. Consuming adequate cysteine and NAC is important for a variety of health reasons — including replenishing the most powerful antioxidant in your body, glutathione. These amino acids also help with chronic respiratory conditions, fertility and brain health. N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) has been reported to protect the kidney from injury induced by contrast media, ischemia, and toxins.” You may also be interested to know that “NAC can relieve symptoms of respiratory conditions by acting as an antioxidant and expectorant, loosening mucus in your air passageways. As an antioxidant, NAC helps replenish glutathione levels in your lungs and reduces inflammation in your bronchial tubes and lung tissue.”

Wanna know a secret? Evening Primrose Oil was one actually part of my self-advised acne treatment! Why? Primrose oil is mainly used as a hormone-balancer, as “the omega-6 fatty acids present in evening primrose oil can help you to regulate your hormone levels and cure your hormonal acne issues. These fatty acids also play a role in cell structure, improving nerve function and promoting skin elasticity”. Do you want a breakdown? Here you go,
- It can help clear up acne. …
- It may help ease eczema. …
- It can help improve overall skin health. …
- It may help relieve PMS symptoms. …
- It can help minimize breast pain. …
- It may help reduce hot flashes. …
- It may help reduce high blood pressure. …
- It may help improve heart health.

So, this is a biggie for many reasons, and you are MORE THAN WELCOME to reach out to me if you’ve got any questions! To sum it up, when I took a genetic test and discovered that I had the MTHFR 667t mutation for starters (yes, it really is a mother f**er gene), it led me to a whole boatload of questions and answers. Ultimately, this gene mutation was making it impossible for my body to properly regulate and process the Cyanocobalamin form of B12 which meant I wasn’t absorbing my B12/Folate, but I was actually toxing myself out! “The MTHFR gene mutation may make your body less efficient at converting folic acid and folate into L-methylfolate, the active form of folate in the body. People with this mutation may also be more likely to be deficient in vitamin B-12.” Once I started using supplements with the proper form of B12 (methylcobalamin) and folic acid in the form of methyltetrahydrofolate, everything started to change. This was almost the tipping point, where I started absorbing my nutrients, critical doses of B12, and my energy also came back at times!

To speak technically, Glutathione is an essential/critical antioxidant, and compound involved as a coenzyme in oxidation–reduction reactions in cells. It is a tripeptide derived from glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine. Simply put, glutathione is a substance found in every cell in the body, where it acts as an antioxidant to neutralize free radicals and prevent cellular damage. Chemically, glutathione is a simple molecule composed of three protein building blocks or amino acids- cysteine, glutamine and glycine. Increasing cellular Glutathione can dramatically raise energy levels, strengthen the immune system, fight inflammation, improve athletic performance, detoxify the body, aid in cellular repair and slow down the aging process.

Pyridoxal-5–Phosphate, or P5P as it is commonly known, is the active form of vitamin B6. Low levels of B6 are associated with inflammatory conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease. Supplemental B6 can be used to manage the condition. Low levels of the activated form of B6, P5P, in the blood stream are associated with higher levels of the inflammatory marker, C-reactive protein. Just a few benefits include,maintaining healthy blood vessels, supporting brain function, improving your mood, helping treat anemia, protecting eye health, helping prevent or reduce symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis, helping treat High Blood Pressure, and helping relieve symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome!

I take my magnesium in the form of citrate. “Magnesium is a naturally occurring mineral that is important for many systems in the body, especially the muscles and nerves. Magnesium citrate also increases water in the intestines. Magnesium citrate is used as a laxative to treat occasional constipation.” I also use a Magnesium based body soap and lotion on the days my body is weak or sore for whatever reason. For a break-down,
- Energy creation: May help convert food into energy.
- Protein formation: May help create new proteins from amino acids.
- Gene maintenance: May help create and repair DNA and RNA.
- Muscle movements: Is part of the contraction and relaxation of muscles.
- Nervous system regulation: May help regulate neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your brain and nervous system.

Dr. Mark Stengler, has been my naturopath/doctor for years and years, since I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease (when I was about 7) and even before. He has guided me along the path of homeopathy, safely and really personalized a protocol for me. After discovering my MTHFR 677t Gene Mutation, I have only been taking multi’s with the “methylcobalmain” form of B12 and Folic Acid, and the standard “Cyanocobalmain” form was doing more harm than good, preventing me from thriving and “toxing” my body out. This multi is made with a Raw, Whole-Food Proprietary Blend, and is full of essential vitamins, minerals etc. I honestly, cannot function without them!

This takes us to another “period pill” (female problems of course, long sigh/grin). Another “lifesaver” pill, pycnogenol, (Pine bark extract) can help reduce muscle soreness and may help improve conditions relating to poor circulation, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, diabetes, ADHD, female reproductive issues, skin, erectile dysfunction, eye disease and sports stamina. Pycnogenol can help owing to its natural anti-inflammatory virtues without side-effects. Multiple clinical studies have documented that Pycnogenol can naturally soothe the discomfort associated with menstrual symptoms. Pycnogenol was found to alleviate the cramping and abdominal pain sensation. How you ask? Research presented in the European Bulletin of Drug Research concludes that Pycnogenol reduces abdominal discomfort by 80 percent and cramping by 77 percent with women experiencing troubled menstrual periods. Dr. Nobutaka Suzuki completed a multi-center field study on Pycnogenol for menstrual discomfort. Results showed that Pycnogenol treatment lowered tenderness during menstruation, which was reflected by a significant reduction of medication required. Pycnogenol soothed the discomfort after one month and provided further relief after the second month. This miraculous pill can also help aid in hot flashes, and endometriosis!

My primary was very specific with me about the importance of using specifically sourced fish oil, preferably “Wild Norwegian Caught Cod Liver Oil”. I like either Nordic Naturals or Carlson’s (NN is better if you want to avoid taking a raw tablespoon of fish oil!). “Cod liver oil is an excellent source of nutrients, and it may have some important therapeutic properties. It is thought to help relieve joint stiffness associated with arthritis, have a positive effect on cardiovascular health, increase critical Omega-3 fatty acids, and help repair damaged teeth, nails, hair, and skin.” To be honest, it actually helped clear up my skin even more, adding a glow when I included it in my skincare regime, and stood with taking it pretty consistently. “Cod liver oil also contains a high amount of vitamin D, which does correlate with overall brain function, really assisting with my Lyme related “brain fog”, nervous system issues and overall cognitive issues associated with Lyme.

Black Cumin Seed Oil (also often called BlackCoriander Oil or simply Black Oil) comes from the Nigella Sativa plant that is native to Asia. Recent studies on this incredibly powerful seed oil show it may be helpful in combating super bugs like MRSA or h.pylori and in cancer patients. As someone who suffers with hashimotos as well, knowing that studies published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine have shown, consuming a few grams of powdered Nigella sativa, more commonly known as black cumin seeds, may improve the autoimmune thyroid condition known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, I have been on this supplement off and on for a few years now, and am testing the benefits. My primary has suggested that he has had better luck with thyroid related results linked to BCS rather than Selenium! But keep in mind, this may not be the same for everyone testing out the differences or potential benefits.

I use this to add an extra boost of high-potency Vitamin C in my smoothies or drinks quickly. It’s a great alternative to get extra Vit.C each day, especially considering Covid19, and the need to boost the immune system.
To all of you who have either skimmed through to just read the titles, or have thoroughly read and analyzed each supplement, I hope something I have blogged about here has been or will be support to you and your incredible human body ~ Follow up friends, next week stalk my immune boosting/Lyme/ Full Fledged Detoxing Protocols! Happy Healing