I want to take this opportunity to enlighten you guys to a book that changed a lot for me, in terms of how I defined feminism. I was first introduced to “The Vagina Monologues” by Eve Ensler when I was a dedicated member of Emma Watson’s international feminist book club, OurSharedShelf. I was, and still am a female empowering enthusiast. However, when I read this book, everything changed for me. My perception of the female body, or what I thought it was, sexual abuse and pleasure, the mind of a woman and so much more was brought to life through these enlightening excerpts written by real women, around the world. This book has actually helped me bond so much deeper with many of my girlfriends through sharing similar experiences and thoughts.
When I lived in a particular apartment complex in Scottsdale, Arizona. I met Ashley Lynch who happened to live just one building away from me in the same complex for a little while, I never knew until I discovered she had Chronic Lyme Disease just like me from her “Lyme Disease” license plate. We happened to meet in person just a day before she left for Mexico to treat at Stemaid. We knew it was a friendship for a lifetime the moment we met; we hugged, kissed and cried endlessly. We helped them gather their life in a car, and head towards the unknown. We talked for as long as we could; about lyme, life, womanhood and strife. As we talked, she informed me of a book that changed her life and perspective, opening her eyes that she was a sexual abuse survivor; “The Vagina Monologues.” My heart dropped as I felt an immediate connection as a survivor myself and an odd sensation. I had just two copies of the book, and ran home grabbing one which was dusty, and waiting to be loved again. I handed Ashley the book to gift it to her, and we both cried out of happiness and understanding. The video below captured a moment in time back to that day of us discussing the book, Ashley’s story and me signing it as she asked me to.
Our friendship blossomed more and more by the day, from the moment we met. We bonded so deeply and talked/ video chatted on the Marco Polo app all the damn time. As time went on, we wanted to put our minds together to create a joined, collaborative account on Instagram in which we could do scheduled themed Live’s together, discuss Lyme Disease, chronic illness, sex, love and just life in a real, raw and unfiltered manner from the heart. The way we know best. We strive to create a warm, welcoming and safe environment for all who join or participate. It’s something we love to do on the time we have, and it’s a passion to give back and connect with the community together. Head over to Lyme Sisters below

You are a shining light. I love you and I love your story ~ Always know that you are not alone. I will always be here for you. This book stands as a reminder that you are STRONG and BEAUTIFUL. With love my warrior friend (and sister in arms) FIGHT ON,

There are a multitude of “Vagina Facts” within the book. In actuality, “The Vagina Monologues is an episodic play written by Eve Ensler which developed and premiered at HERE Arts Center, Off-Off-Broadway in New York and was followed by an Off-Broadway run in 1996 at Westside Theatre. The play explores consensual and nonconsensual sexual experiences, body image, genital mutilation, direct and indirect encounters with reproduction, vaginal care, menstrual periods, sex work, and several other topics through the eyes of women with various ages, races, sexualities, and other differences